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预览 [书籍] The Development of Nuclear Propulsion in the Royal Navy, 1946-1975 attachment WASPCN1971 2022-9-18 5999 coolguy008 2023-2-28 16:12
预览 [书籍] High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors 2021 attachment WASPCN1971 2022-6-19 31199 coolguy008 2023-2-28 16:10
预览 [书籍] The Technology of Pressurized Water Reactors From the Nautilus to the EPR, Vo... attachment WASPCN1971 2022-9-4 81157 coolguy008 2023-2-28 16:10
预览 [书籍] Nuclear Power - Past, present and future, 2nd 2022 attachment WASPCN1971 2022-9-17 41124 coolguy008 2023-2-28 16:10
预览 [书籍] Reliability of Nuclear Power Plants - Methods, Data and Applications attachment WASPCN1971 2022-9-3 71186 coolguy008 2023-2-28 16:09
预览 [培训考核] 核电厂系统综述 attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..48 zorro 2007-12-16 470126325 fy667259 2023-2-22 15:34
[书籍] 国际原子能机构安全标准 - [阅读权限 10]- [售价 5 枚电建币] attachment jove 2009-7-17 549 lyf111222 2023-2-20 12:15
预览 [书籍] 大亚湾核电站建设经验汇编 第3辑 attachment  ...2 admin 2010-11-16 166473 lyf111222 2023-2-20 11:42
预览 [书籍] 核电设备焊接技术 attachment heatlevel  ...234 test 2020-1-28 3710142 coolguy008 2023-2-17 16:19
预览 [书籍] 核电厂核岛主设备制造焊接质量及其控制 attachment heatlevel  ...23 test 2020-1-28 218063 zsy123 2023-2-17 14:24
预览 [书籍] 核反应堆物理分析 新人帖 attachment yuzhouchenai 2022-8-28 81203 nonetoosoon 2023-2-14 14:15
预览 [书籍] EPRI3002023425 Strategies to Address Seal Leakage in Bolted Cask Dry Storage ... attachment WASPCN1971 2022-9-24 3960 GLWT798 2023-1-19 21:25
预览 ASME BPVC-III-5 High Temperature Reactors 高温反应堆(英文版)2013 attachment yuzhouchenai 2022-9-28 31069 GLWT798 2023-1-19 21:24
预览 [研究报告] EPRI3002023904 Program on Technology Innovation - Digital Twin Applications f... attachment WASPCN1971 2022-10-1 41086 GLWT798 2023-1-19 21:23
预览 [图集] EPRI3002023425 Strategies to Address Seal Leakage in Bolted Cask Dry Storage ... attachment WASPCN1971 2022-10-11 3963 GLWT798 2023-1-19 21:22
预览 [书籍] Science and Technology of Liquid Metal Coolants in Nuclear Engineering 2022年版 attachment WASPCN1971 2022-10-11 21081 GLWT798 2023-1-19 14:06
预览 [书籍] Small Modular Reactors - Challenges and Opportunities attachment WASPCN1971 2022-10-11 11005 GLWT798 2023-1-19 12:14
预览 [书籍] Nuclear- and Radiochemistry, 2nd V1 Introduction 2022 attachment WASPCN1971 2022-10-11 1935 GLWT798 2023-1-19 12:14
预览 [书籍] Nuclear- and Radiochemistry, 2nd V2 Modern Applications 2022 attachment WASPCN1971 2022-10-11 1996 GLWT798 2023-1-19 12:13
预览 [书籍] Engaging the Atom - The History of Nuclear Energy and Society in Europe from ... attachment WASPCN1971 2022-10-22 1938 GLWT798 2023-1-19 12:12
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