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核能发电 今日: 0|主题: 5164|排名: 52 

版主: ga0643
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预览 [书籍] Nuclear Safety 1st(Gianni Petrangeli,2006) attachment WASPCN1971 2022-6-18 0974 WASPCN1971 2022-6-18 18:54
预览 [其它] Nuclear Power in a Clean Energy System(2019) attachment WASPCN1971 2022-6-18 01016 WASPCN1971 2022-6-18 18:52
预览 [书籍] World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2020 V2 attachment WASPCN1971 2022-6-17 2902 nonetoosoon 2022-6-17 09:44
预览 [书籍] EPRI3002020763 Consideration of Defense in Depth and Safety Margins in Risk I... attachment WASPCN1971 2022-6-17 2927 nonetoosoon 2022-6-17 09:43
预览 [书籍] NUREG-2245 Technical Review of the 2017 Edition of ASME Code, Section III, Di... attachment WASPCN1971 2022-6-17 2928 nonetoosoon 2022-6-17 09:42
预览 [书籍] EPRI3002021037 Program on Technology Innovation - Small Modular Reactor Vesse... attachment WASPCN1971 2022-6-17 0856 WASPCN1971 2022-6-17 07:10
预览 [书籍] World Nuclear Performance Report 2020 attachment WASPCN1971 2022-6-17 0959 WASPCN1971 2022-6-17 07:02
预览 [书籍] Principles and Practices of Engineering PE Nuclear Reference Handbook attachment WASPCN1971 2022-6-14 0802 WASPCN1971 2022-6-14 08:19
预览 [书籍] The Fourth Generation of Nuclear Reactors -Fundamentals, Types and Benefits E... attachment WASPCN1971 2022-6-12 0802 WASPCN1971 2022-6-12 09:39
预览 [书籍] Nuclear Renaissance - Technologies and Policies for the Future of Nuclear Pow... attachment WASPCN1971 2022-6-12 0783 WASPCN1971 2022-6-12 09:38
预览 [书籍] ASCE SEI 4-16 Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related Nuclear Structures attachment WASPCN1971 2022-6-12 0846 WASPCN1971 2022-6-12 09:37
预览 [书籍] 三哩岛事故和切尔诺贝利事故:核电史上两起严重事故详情 attachment heatlevel  ...23456 test 2010-1-31 5312913 nonetoosoon 2022-5-28 11:19
预览 [书籍] 动力堆核燃料后处理厂设计 attachment heatlevel  ...2 test 2010-4-24 196371 ajie1011 2022-5-4 17:45
预览 《NB∕T 20405-2017 核电建设项目工程总承包管理规范》 attachment  ...2 notrack8 2019-9-7 102715 solo_925 2022-4-23 11:14
预览 [论文] 现代核电建设项目管理 attachment  ...2 cqdlsch 2009-4-13 113964 nonetoosoon 2022-4-21 08:06
预览 [图集] 图解核电站主要系统 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..57 zorro 2008-1-28 567111232 qqveed 2022-3-12 17:52
预览 [书籍] 腐蚀与防护工程 attachment  ...2 tplion 2013-10-22 134965 13081194032 2022-3-7 15:10
预览 [研究报告] 大亚湾核电厂最终安全分析报告(FASR) attachment  ...2 wulsh03 2012-8-10 103087 nonetoosoon 2022-3-4 16:35
预览 [研究报告] 秦山核电厂运行质量保证大纲.doc attachment  ...2 long78113 2008-3-14 196462 nonetoosoon 2022-3-4 14:01
预览 [书籍] 放射性废物-资料 attachment qinpei 2013-8-22 52442 nonetoosoon 2022-3-4 08:23
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