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预览 全英文图纸 attachment heatlevel  ...23 fzk888 2009-2-19 217745 xqb0425 2023-2-1 08:38
预览 印度hayana2x660MW项目 技术说明 系统图 设备清册 attachment heatlevel  ...2345 流浪博士 2009-7-1 4710197 tjh2991 2012-12-5 14:46
预览 实用电力英语丛书.发电分册(电子版) attachment heatlevel agree baobing 2012-4-29 82379 king_168 2022-6-7 18:03
预览 国际工程火电现场管理关键英文单词学习系列之--安全篇 attachment heatlevel indianganesh 2014-1-2 92013 sasaxyxf 2020-10-11 16:34
预览 湖北电建印尼公主港项目厂用电倒受电成功 attachment heatlevel  ...2 atinza 2012-2-6 122244 sasaxyxf 2020-10-15 09:01
预览 DL-T 5190.5-2004 电力建设施工及验收技术规范 第5部分:热工自动化(英文版) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2 debangliu 2012-2-2 133414 sasaxyxf 2020-10-11 16:51
预览 英文书籍免费送:Ship Stability for Masters and Mates[船舶的稳定性] attachment  ...2 yzy0515 2010-10-4 153704 zsy123 2023-9-9 16:57
预览 英文书籍免费送:Carbon Nanotubes[碳纳米管] attachment  ...2 yzy0515 2010-10-4 145051 zsy123 2023-9-9 17:24
预览 Protective Relaying 继电保护 原理及应用 (第三版) attach_img  ...2 zzal001 2012-3-4 132875 sasaxyxf 2020-10-11 16:19
预览 英文原版-燃煤火电厂EPC方案 attachment agree  ...2345 hugebaby 2008-12-10 408623 sasaxyxf 2020-10-26 15:06
预览 电气安装规范手册-英文版 attachment  ...2 stsxlgl 2014-10-29 111842 sasaxyxf 2020-10-11 16:11
预览 Guide on how to develop a small hydropower plant attachment zhangduo61 2013-5-31 92547 sasaxyxf 2020-10-11 16:12
预览 Power_Generation_Handbook_-_Selection,_Applications,_Operation,_and_Maintenance attachment  ...23 haijiewang 2009-7-4 245250 sasaxyxf 2020-10-11 16:36
预览 香港政府常用英汉词汇·机电工程卷.pdf attachment  ...2 gmj3268 2009-2-18 123221 sasaxyxf 2020-10-11 16:48
预览 Power Plant Engineering attachment agree  ...2 duanzb 2010-1-11 123432 sasaxyxf 2020-10-11 16:37
预览 成功的仪表和控制系统设计.pdf attachment  ...2 dj2005 2010-3-18 123862 sasaxyxf 2020-10-11 16:42
预览 火电厂专业英语 修订版 attach_img  ...2345 admin 2008-12-4 4512680 sasaxyxf 2020-10-11 16:55
预览 请问各位老大什么时候才能购买论坛的英文资料 attach_img  ...2 tutuma 2013-6-20 1110318 sasaxyxf 2020-10-11 16:42
预览 DL/T 752 E-2001 火力发电厂异种钢焊接技术规程(英文版) attachment agree duanzb 2011-8-20 72005 sasaxyxf 2020-10-26 11:07
预览 Handbook of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety attach_img  ...2 WASPCN1971 2012-12-12 102250 sasaxyxf 2020-10-11 16:21
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