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英文资料(English information) 今日: 1 |主题: 2157|排名: 23 

版主: jxyiang
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分类置顶 隐藏置顶帖 预览 关于国外工程栏目的意见: attach_img  ...23456..8 admin 2008-4-10 75189977 zxccan 2016-12-31 11:23
预览 英文书籍免费送:Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook[燃气轮机工程手册] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..29 yzy0515 2010-10-3 28759912 lzf20028 8 小时前
预览 英文书籍免费送:Automotive Quality Systems Handbook[汽车质量体系手册] attachment heatlevel  ...23 yzy0515 2010-10-5 2911140 aqaaaaaa 昨天 15:23
预览 电力英语阅读与翻译 刘健 第3版 attachment test 2024-5-7 0155 test 2024-5-7 11:02
预览 普通高等教育十四五系列教材 电力英语阅读与翻译 第4版 attachment test 2024-5-7 089 test 2024-5-7 10:52
预览 Side Sewer and Sanitary Sewer Availability Manual attachment Geo123 2024-3-17 0725 Geo123 2024-3-17 16:55
预览 improving accuracy of automatic fraicture detection attachment Geo123 2024-3-17 0368 Geo123 2024-3-17 13:14
预览 Development of a Wall Climbing Robotic Ground Penetrating Radar System for In... attachment Geo123 2024-3-17 0334 Geo123 2024-3-17 13:11
预览 Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design-2024换热器设计基础第二版 attachment hgxh 2024-2-28 0548 hgxh 2024-2-28 10:28
预览 朗文当代高级英语辞典 2004年版 attach_img cncel2006 2024-2-25 0530 cncel2006 2024-2-25 13:10
预览 英文书籍免费送:Designing Capable and Reliable Products[产品功能和可靠性设计] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 yzy0515 2010-10-3 6318710 wezdah 2024-2-25 00:28
预览 三菱的叶片冲洗程序,纯英文。 attachment howard2008 2024-2-20 0662 howard2008 2024-2-20 12:33
预览 英文书籍免费送:Mechanical Engineers Data Handbook[机械工程师数据手册] attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 yzy0515 2010-10-4 10428744 xylcs1 2024-2-19 14:54
预览 英文书籍免费送:Aircraft Design Projects[飞机设计项目] attachment heatlevel  ...2345 yzy0515 2010-10-5 4411739 kar 2024-2-19 11:06
预览 Full-waveform inversion of ground penetrating radar attachment Geo123 2024-2-16 0522 Geo123 2024-2-16 08:21
预览 Use of engineering geophysics to investigate a site for a building foundation attachment Geo123 2024-2-15 0508 Geo123 2024-2-15 08:15
预览 English for Writing Research Papers attachment Geo123 2024-1-30 0728 Geo123 2024-1-30 11:25
预览 Inverse problems in geophysics, in Wavefield inversion attachment Geo123 2024-1-30 0661 Geo123 2024-1-30 10:36
预览 Statistical Methods of Geophysical Data Processing attachment Geo123 2024-1-30 0642 Geo123 2024-1-30 10:33
预览 Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables attachment Geo123 2024-1-30 0673 Geo123 2024-1-30 10:31
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